
Peak Engineering Ltd. was incorporated in the Province of British Columbia in 1993 . The firm is engaged in fulI-time structural engineering since May of 1997.


Brian Lytton, P. Eng.,  -President
Jane Gardner, Office Administrator

Principal Fields of Activity

Structural engineering services related to buildings. bridges, transit. marine structures and special structures.

Description of Services

Complete structural design and field inspection review for residential and commercial projects.
Seismic restraint and retrofitting of structural and mechanical components of structures.
Evaluation and certification of existing structures whether buildings, bridges or special structures
Field inspection as B.C. Structural Engineer for pre-fab structures.

Structural Engineering Registration

Registered in the provinces of B.C.

Typical Projects


Structural Design

Wood-frame buildings . residential and commercia

“Green” garage roof

Building Code Review of Structures

Modular homes and mobile trailers in B.C. and Washington
SIP (Structural Insula ted Panel) buildings in BC
Pre-fabricated Steel and Quonset sheds
Specialty product Kall-wall translucent wall panels to BC code
Condition survey of fire-damaged residences

Retrofit Design of Structures

Remedial design of existing residential and commercial buildings to BC Code

Design review of loading of solar panels onto existing roof

Frame-in elevator installation in to existing residence

Design review of existing greenhouses

Design of a rancher into a two-storey residence

Industrial (previous structural work)

Foundation design for propane storage tank

Review of modified Bridge Launching Truss (increase span from 125 to 150 feet)
Structural review of weigh bin tank modifications

Bridges (previous structural work)

Bridge design engineer responsible for rehabilitation of over 75 bridges in Hanoi City, Vietnam
Retrofit and design o f new steel superstructure of I5’w x 72′ long skewed bridge over salmon creek

Design of I1 ‘w x 42’ long single span I girder bridge (no piers in creek) over salmon creek

Review of existing access bridge to residence for Truck Loading Limitations

Analysis of existing railcar bridge over creek for firetruck and excavator loading prior to
subdivision development.
New access road with 34′ wide x I O’ long precast concrete slab band bridge needed over GVRD culvert in Pitt Meadows Airport.
In-house design and drafting of 12m span concrete s lab access bridges to commercial development in Port Coquitlam
Project manager and chief bridge engineer for replacement design bridges (50m) for Nanaimo St. and Lakewood Dr. in Vancouver

See resume’ for more detail on bridge experience.

Other (previous structural work)

Design of pedestrian culvert underpass for Pitt Meadows Airport 2000
Inspection services and engineering review for 1997 Pin Meadows Capital Works program: new paving. road widening and waterline installation projects
Inspection services to investigate pile driving effects for subdivision. Pin Meadows
Crack investigation and remedial repair for Hemlock Valley Dam and ski lift foundations

Special Structures (Sign design)


Design engineer for seven Sign companies ­ designing , reviewing and retrofitting sign
structures. Tallest sign structure has been over 22m high.

Structural review and foundation design for various outdoor sculptures.

Mechanical Structures (previous structural engineering work)

Structural review of new steel “bio-bed” tank. St. Regis Sewage Treatment Plant, Ontario

Structural design of GVRD water pollution tank. Abbotsford